Why using only two methods is a mistake…
It’s common when I speak to owners and directors for them to be using 2 methods at most e.g. just their website and a listing on Yell. Even more common is a reliance purely on word of mouth.
Although it’s possible to grow in this way and word of mouth can be very powerful, it should come as no surprise that most of these businesses are at best stable, but more likely declining.
I recommend having at least 5 different methods because your target market(s) could interact with your business in several ways.
There are lots of other approaches to use, e.g. a targeted sales letter with a brochure, online advertising, social media, networking.
Of course – start small to first prove that each strategy has a return on investment.
An added benefit to using extra methods is increased resilience – for reasons outside your control one of the methods may stop working (e.g. in a pandemic), and then you’d suffer a big drop in enquiries.
To grow your business in the coming weeks, why not add one new marketing method each week?